Sushi taking the lead |
May 29-30 Schooner Wharf hosts the 20th Annual Minimal Regatta. This is the boat race of the year, matching boats made from 2 2x4's,1 4x8 sheet of 1/4" plywood, a pound of fasteners, and a roll of duct tape against each other is the funniest and most serious races of the year. The boats range from the sleek racing kayaks to the absurd. There are 2 classes, kayak and open class, and a champion is crowned in both classes.
Semi Finals of the Kayak Race |
People work for weeks preparing the flotilla for the event, and it shows on race day. This is the time of year when the "engineers" are starting the sketches, usually on napkins or place mats, but drawings just the same. The good news is that the event is open to creativity and only limited by the materials and the class. Many of the teams are rum powered, and the event is powered by Captain Morgan if this is any indication of the rumstyleability of the entire event from now til race day.
If you haven't made plans yet for Memorial day weekend, this is a great way to get out in the sun and have a lot of rumstylin' fun. Whether you are going to be a spectator or a participant, it is an afternoon of frolic and sunshine in the tropical sun in Key West.
The event give out awards for the fastest sinking boat the most creative, best costumes, sportsmanship, and many other reasons yet announced. Don't be left out for this years event and get your plans made for the boat and crew or just to be there. ;o)
Billy Beans three straight year winner of Kayak Class |