The bat caves are expected to be “full of
tenants” very soon. Crafted in
partnership with Lubee Bat Conservancy, the habitats, branded bat caves are
expected to be “full of tenants” within just a few months. Standing 20 feet off the ground, the two
single-chambered bat caves can house between 50-100 bats, while the
triple-chambered cave can hold between 200-300 bats.
Located on a 92-acre site, Bacardi
Bottling Corporation bottles all Bacardi spirits for US consumption, and has
received international recognition for its contributions to wildlife habitat
conservation and education by the Wildlife Habitat Council. Through the partnership, both Bacardi and
Lubee Bat Conservancy aim to “preserve and provide crucial habitats” for the
local bat population to help maintain the community’s natural wetlands,
farming, and forest areas. “Monitoring
of the bat houses will be conducted in a responsible manner, so we do not
disturb the bats as they take residence in the new shelters,” says Brian Pope,
director of Lubee Bat Conservancy.

“Bats are vital to
the health of natural ecosystems and human economies, so preservation of their
habitats makes great sense with regard to sustainability. “We work just as hard to find ways to
preserve habitats and protect species as we do to reduce energy consumption and
conduct business sustainability.”