The morning starts with another rum breakfast with Tiki Lovers Rum from Germany as the host. They are offering a white and dark rum for their initial offering. They are also well known for their syrups and liqueurs. Though these rums are not available here in the United States right now, they are working toward getting them here in the near future. The white rum is a normal 80 proof, but the Dark is a bold 114 proof and will be a great rum for "tiki" style drinks. Guess what it was another overproof breakfast, seems that every morning starts with the breakfast for the serious rum lover. The company is working hard to produce their "niche" products filling a need for products that are not readily available. Looking forward to the day when their products will be available here in the states.
Next it was back to the judging room for round three of the six scheduled for the week. Age dated premium rums and spiced rums are the subject for session three.

Lunch was with a new product from Tico Libre. It was to introduce their new low calorie rum and cola in a can. They had us tasting two different versions of the product that I feel has really good sales potential. Bradley Tuyn, Luyen Nguyen, Leonardo Salazar, Chris Dods, and Michelle Prue make up the management team and are working hard to launch this new product here in the states. Libre is the name of the low calorie rum and cola in a can. It sports a good quality rum and a cola taste made from a natural ingredient cola formula of their own. Look for it soon in your area, a six pack in your cooler instead of beer, just perfect for the tail gait party.
This day just doesn't want to slow down as we head back to the judging room for session four. Aged rums and overproof rums are the subject of the last session for today. After the conclusion of session four there was time for a few minutes at the pool before going to the Dzama briefing.
Dzama or "ZAM" as it is actually pronounced is being offered for the first time in the United States within the next month or so. This award winning line of rums is made in Madagascar, and is very unique in its flavor and aroma. They are introducing a full line of rums including a vanilla flavored rum that actually has a vanilla bean in the bottle. This is a welcome addition to the international flavor of rum these days.

Finally it is party time!!!! First it is off the the 8th floor of the Soho Beach Resort and the Brugal Party. Brugal has a fine line of rums that cover the range of white to their fine aged flagship "Brugal 1888". Their party showed the same attention to detail and fun as does their rum. I've found a new liking for the clear rain coats and umbrellas. The new president Paul Ross was present at the party and I believe will be addressing us at lunch today. Anyway back to the party, great music, drink and apps kept it lively and enjoyable for all of us. The atmosphere of the roof top garden made the party even more spectacular.

Just when you are thinking that it can't get any better it is on the bus and off to Coral Gables and the Bacardi Penthouse for the final party of the night. This is a very special one because it is part of the Bacardi 150 year celebration. As usual, the elegance of the penthouse hospitality and museum area make the party a wonderful experience. The XP's were asked to join a special tasting of some new products and to offer opinions as to which way Bacardi blenders might want to go on the products. Always the highlight of the event for the XP's. Pretty models to be photographed with really adds to the glamor and atmosphere of the event, not even mentioning the food and drink. All of the components are there and the party was a complete success and the party was enjoyed by all.

The day has been a very long one with a lot of rum that "had to be consumed", and it is time to get back to the hotel and a little bit of sleep before it starts all over again tomorrow. Friday is another full schedule and I need to get my strength up to meet the challenge of another day of Miami Rum Renaissance Festival activities. ;o)