A very Merry Christmas to all on this beautiful December 25th, 2012. My hope is that all is well with all of you and your families this morning. It is my hope that you are with the people you love and want to be with and sharing the warmth of Christmas.

Christmas is Christmas anywhere you happen to be. Christmas is best when you can spend special time with friends and family. I guess that the thing I like about Christmas in the tropics is the cool crisp air and the fact that there is NO SNOW. Jimmy Buffett's Christmas song, "Christmas in the Caribbean" nails the idea perfectly with the verse that says "Christmas in the Caribbean got everything but snow". Last night we all sat around the colorfully lighted boats at the docks and enjoyed the friendship that makes all of us so very happy this time of year. The evening of Santa hats, eggnog and families joining together and sharing the Christmas spirit and having fun.
The real spirit of Christmas isn't lost without snow, and you get to hang out in your shorts. This is a great thing for me, and I can watch "Holiday Inn" on the tube if I think that I really need the feeling of snow, Not. No Matter where you are make this a very special Christmas Day and the first Christmas of the the new cycle. ;o)