According to an article in the "The Spirit Business" the top five markets in the world for rum are as follows.
- First India with 404.2 Million Litres
- Second United States with 241.9 Million Litres
- Third Philippines with 169.7 Million Litres
- Fourth Dominican Republic with 54.7 Million Litres
- Fifth France with 36 Million Litres
This makes for a lot of rum being sold around the world. The real surprise for me was that India is the largest consumer of rum in the world. India has a taste for both ends of the rum spectrum, in that there are a number of local brands as well as those more well known around the world. India has local brands like" Old Monk", McDowell's", "Starfire" and "Old Port". There is a strong taste for the premium rums in India as well, but no matter how you cut it they are the worlds largest consumer of rum.

The United States is second, consuming only about 60% as much rum as does India. The US has
a large number of distillers on fine rums within its boundaries as well. The rum category is one of the fastest growing category's here in the states and consumes a wide spread list of rums from basic flavored distillates to the finest in the world.

The Philippines really did not surprise me , because of the surprise I got last year when introduced to Tanduay brand rum from the Philippines. This is the number 2 selling brand of rum in the world, and before last July, was not sold in the United States. As a producer of rum, they people of the Philippines also have a taste forit as well.

Dominican Republic is right in the center of rum production for the
Caribbean. The DR has a unique combination of tourism and a population that loves its local rums. Although the tropical atmosphere draws in the tourists and their insatiable thirst for rum, it is the locals that also consume their fine products.

France, what can I say, it is the home of the "Agricole" style of Rhum making and the French have a taste for the spirit as well. The French through Alexander Gabriel and his Plantation Brand Rums, provide the world with some of the most award winning rum from anywhere.
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