This is a very traditional holiday that is remembered by most people here in the United States. It is a 3 day weekend that in the past was the last fling of summer before school starts. Not so much any more on the school thing, but always a fun time is had by all that take advantage or have the time off.

These days holidays are not the most important ting in my live, being in the service industry, days off are where they are scheduled, and you get to enjoy them like holidays anyway. There is nothing traditional about when you get them either. In my case I'm off on Monday through Wednesday, three days that really work well for me. This year I actually will have off this Labor Day.

I will most likely spend the time out on the water doing something fun. I just hope that the rest of you get to enjoy you holiday equally as much as I will. Hope you had a great Labor day weekend and a safe one as well. ;o)