Friday, September 11, 2015

Sandcastle / Soggy Dollar: Tina's Retirement Party


   For all of you who have ever visited the Soggy Dollar or Sandcastle, know the work and caring that has made this place so special.  If you are going to be in the area in October you should make an effort to attend this event.  Tina has put in so very much effort and passion into making the place a special one and every one our visits unforgettable.  Thanks for the memories.

 "Greetings from Jerry and Tish and Sandcastle and Soggy Dollar."

Many of you may already know, but after 16 years we are officially announcing the retirement of Martina (Tina) Chinnery , our General Manager, as of August 31, 2015.
There really aren't sufficient words to express the gratitude we feel for all the hard work and love Tina has demonstrated in her time here. Her genuine hospitality, expert leadership and fierce determination have propelled Sandcastle/Soggy Dollar to a place we could only have imagined.

The Sandcastle/Soggy Dollar Staff will be celebrating Tina's Retirement at an Octoberfest party on Tuesday, October 13 to show our gratitude for all she has contributed over the last 16 years to make Sandcastle and Soggy Dollar  an unforgettable and special place.

If you would like to send a note of congratulations or share a story for Tina, we will  be collecting them to present to her at the party.

Please send your email to Tish at or mail USPS Priority your sharing to:
Tish OConnell
5000  Estate Enighed PMB 505
St John , VI 00830

We look forward to seeing you soon on White Bay and thank you for all your continued support.

Jerry and Tish