One of the first ones that I looked at was the Mojito. The first thing that had to go was the sugar. I took and put some "Splenda" in place of the sugar and the rest of it was fine. Mint and Lime Juice have zero points. The White Rum ( Pure White Rum No Sugar Added) like Ron Llave, Don Q, Yolo, Bacardi or other honest rums from 80 to 100 proof are 2 points each.
Here is a Recipe for a 2 Point Mojito rather that a three or Four Point standard Mojito.
2 Point Mojito

- 1 1/2 oz. White Rum
- 1 or 2 Packets of Splenda (according to taste)
- Juice of 1/2 Lime (no sweetened juices)
- 10 to 12 Mint leaves
- Club Soda to fill
Place the lime Juice, splenda and the mint in a 12 oz. glass and muddle gently to bruise the mint. Fill the glass with ice and add the rum. Shake until chilled and top up with some club soda. Garnish with a lime wheel and serve.