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Roberto Serralles |
Serrallés is a sixth-generation rum maker, which means he's a sixth generation
waste recycler.
When Serrallés's family members first started distilling
Don Q Rum on the island of Puerto Rico, they weren't specifically motivated by
a love of spirits. Rather, they were looking to make use of the enormous waste
created by their primary business-sugar.
"When you make sugar, your main byproduct is molasses,"
Serrallés says. From the 16th to the 20th century, sugar cane farms engulfed
Puerto Rico. Before economic factors shifted sugar production to Brazil, India,
and other nations, farmers on the island would harvest the sugarcane and strip
its leaves. Instead of treating that excess foliage like trash, some extracted
juice from the leaves and heated it to create a rich syrup. "And that
became our raw material for making rum," Serrallés says.
In recent years,
alcohol producers have begun to take a hard look at the sustainability of their
practice. Technological innovation isn't easy or cheap. But in an industry
that's dependent on healthy ecosystems for good ingredients, turning a blind
eye to wasteful practices, unsustainable agriculture, and the effects of
climate change on crops isn't an option.
"For every bottle [of rum], there are probably 10 other bottles of
waste," Serrallés says. That may sound like an odd take on an old song
("99 Bottles of Beer," anyone?) but it's a fact that clearly keeps
the rum maker up at night. "Our distillery produces around 400,000 gallons
of wastewater every day," he continues. "It's just one

For now, the
select producers who invest in sustainability do it out of a sense of duty-to
the land, their community, and their brand's history. "My father said,
'what's good for the world is good for the wine world,'" Mariani-May
explains. "He stood by that. It's timeless." But they do it out of a
sense of foreboding, too. Many of their decisions are preparation for the environmental
and regulatory changes that are yet to come. "Eventually, [other rum
makers] will have to do the investments I have done," Serallés says.
"We just got ahead of the game."
There is a lot more information in this story and it goes
into how important that the spirits industry pay a lot more attention to what
Roberto Serralles and the Manufactures of Don Q
Rum have done to keep the area that surrounds them in Ponce, Puerto Rico
green and enjoyable for their neighbors and the rest of us on this planet.
More on this interesting story at https://www.popsci.com/booze-goes-green