Today is the longest day of the year, and we start loosing a bit of daylight every day until December 21st the shortest day of the year. This should be a great day at work, we have a great group of people here in town and the day yesterday just flew by. The Rum Bar is always fun, especially when I have a good fun group of people in town like we do this week.
Start the summer off right with a fine evening on the patio or the boat, but get out of the house and have some fun today. It is that time for you to fire up the bar-b-que and fix a fine rum cocktail and hit the chase lounge or the pool.

1 ½ oz. Bacardi Oakheart Spiced Rum
½ oz. Butterscotch Schnapps
½ oz. Lime Juice
Top with Barrett’s Ginger Beer
Place all ingredients except the
Ginger Beer in a shaker filled with ice and shake until chilled. Strain into a chilled martini glass, top up
with Barrett’s Ginger Beer, and garnish with a lime.
This is a simple and tasty summer cocktail that is really refreshing and works nicely on the patio or the aft deck of the boat. ;o)