The airlines don't travel into Granada on Tuesday, so it is off to Trinidad for the day today and then off to Granada tomorrow at 6:00am. This is not a bad thing, I'm planning on stopping by the House of Angostura and seeing what is new there. I hear that there are several new high end rums out on the market now. It is also a chance for my wife to see the place for the first time. The house of Angostura is steeped in history that goes back to 1824. It covers the development of the Angostura Bitters all the way through the present and the making of so many wonderful rums.

I will be spending the day today in Trinidad and then it is off to Granada and the Caribbean Rum and Beer Festival for three days. This is really proving to be an exciting
g trip, and I as so looking forward to my first visit to Granada in the morning.
Today is Trinidad, and it has so many interesting things to see and do, and with only a short time on the ground there, I am going to make the most of the time.
Keep following, I will keep you up to day daily of what is going on in this part of my world. ;o)