This is a day that is as American as American can be. It is a day to share with your friends and your family. It is a day of reflection and giving thanks for all that your have been able to accomplish. Traditionally a day of feasts and sharing of your bounty with your friends, family and neighbors. The first Thanksgiving took place in Massachucetts in the 1620's, a day of giving thanks and sharing.

Today the principles are the same, but how we celebrate it has changed. It is a morning of preparation of the first and getting the tables and chairs in place for everyone to be able to join in at the table for our feast. We also spend a lot of time in front of the television watching the Macy's Parade and then the football game as soon as the table is cleared.
How are you going to spend the day this year? No matter how you do, I just hope that you get to spend the time with the people nearest to you and a lot of fun getting together and sharing with everyone. ;o)