Sitting her in the office this morning with some really nice rums on my mind. It came to my mind what a fun collection of premium rums that I have sitting here. Having done a fair amount of traveling to rum producing countries has given me a chance to sample and obtain quite a few sipping rums. There are nights when I'm very content to sit on
the aft deck and watch the sun setting with a snifter of fine rum that tantalizes my nose and palate.

Today I'm thinking about rums like Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva, Ron Abuelo Centuria, El Dorado 21,15, and 12 year old, Rhum Barbancourt 15 Year, and Doorley's XO to name a few. Any one of these fine rums will meet my needs, but the one that I choose will be affected by what kind of mood that I am in at that moment. That is the wonderful thing about rum, no two taste the same nor do they have the same effect on me. Some calm me and make me sleepy, while others make me a bit more bubbly and joyous, and some of the others just make me feel warm all over.

You just got to get to know your favorite rums and when to partake of the individual one that is fitting for that moment. There are rums for every individuals taste and wants if you just take the time to try them and savor the qualities of each of them. Some are expensive and worth the price, some are inexpensive and a real bonus when you discover one of these. Next time that you are in your favorite liquor store, take some time to browse the rum section and take home one that you haven't tried before. You just might find a new favorite. ;o)