There are 10km of off road trails that you can drive through the jungle and into and out of the caverns. This is a beautiful tour that is loaded with interesting plants, animals and birds. Your travel over the 10 km of trails, you will be very busy as the trails switch back and forth through the jungle is a real joy.
If that is not enough, you can ride a raft or swim through the cenotes and explore the waterways in a barely lit maze of waterways that takes twisting through the caves for the better part of a half hour. There is a toll that is taken on the arms as you paddle these rafts through the waterways. My shoulders are a bit sore today from the use of muscle that I didn't know that I had. The aches and pains of my muscles are a small price you pay for a very worthwhile trip.

The real excitement of the park for me was high above the jungle and the caverns. The 14 zip lines take you from one end of the park to the other at a breakneck speed. The serious stairways up to the top of the towers has your attention and the legs are talking to you by the time you reach the top of the tower, but immediately forgotten as you hook up on the lines and prepare for the run down to the next tower where you repeat the process again. In all, there were 14 different zip lines, that we made 2 passes on each before the day was concluded. Yes the legs were definitely tired, but if there would have been more time I would have gone another round, 28 rip lines in a single day is my idea of a great day.
If you are in the Cancun area, this is a trip you do not want to miss. High energy fun and a great all inclusive beverage center(non-alcoholic) and restaurant. This is not a place you want to be drinking and playing it is the formula for a disaster. So I waited for my arrival back at the hotel and enjoyed my Havana Club 7 on the rocks and the end of another day. ;o)