Work done for the day and it is 5 o'clock here on Lake Norman and Mike and I are walking down the dock to the boat and getting ready to head out on to the lake and a dinner stop at the Rusty Rudder. Mike owns a mini version of the Carver that I live on in Key West, and a real pleasure to get out and cruise with him. Leaving the dock it was a bit cloudy and there were signs of a thunder storm on the horizon, but undaunted, we headed out on our voyage.

The water was smooth and the winds were light as we cruised at a leisurely 10 naughts across the lake to the "Rudder". The journey really brought back so many fond memories of evening cruises with my friends on Tuesday nights so many years ago. The Rudder was a bit slow with the weather and all, but it was still fun to belly up to the bar again and enjoy a cocktail and some apps.

On the way back, there was a very real threat of a thunder storm on the other side of the lake. Not being one to let a little rain dampen our spirits we pressed on regardless and as it would turn out we had a wonderful cruise and some great conversation as we eased across the lake headed back to the docks and secured the boat. All this before the storms reached us. A really fine evening it was and one that I'd enjoy doing again should the opportunity arise. ;o)