The summer in Key West is a wonderful time to just do as little as possible and get yourself evened out from the hectic season just completed. There are things that need doing that you couldn't get to during season that you have time to do now. The real problem is that you've gotten yourself into that laid-back summer mode and you really don't what to do it now. It will still be there tomorrow, and you really have 3 months to get it all done, so why be in a rush. I guess that the Blog Site has gone in to the same mode, as it is not allowing me to put pictures up on the blog today.

Tomorrow is here and the site is up and running again an I'm able to put up pictures from down here under the Banyan tree. Don't get me wrong, I like the laid back relaxation of the summer as much as anyone, but the slow down takes time to get use to. As I wander through Old Town Key West, it is clear that most of the people have gone and the pace is really much slower. The hard part of this is to get motivated to get the things done that really need doing before they become a real issue. I guess that is just part of the nature of summer with the higher heat and humidity. Today I am up early so I can get a couple of projects completed before it gets too warm and my motivation wanes. This feels good to me because when I get behind, I get frustrated and it seems that the hurrieder I get the behinder I become. So I'll just get out and do the things that have to be done today and take the afternoon to have some fun at the Rum Bar with all my customers.
Here's to a safe and easy going summer and a bit of rumstylin' in Key West this year. Hope to see all of you here at sometime very soon to have some laid back Key West summer fun. ;o)