This is the time of year that I keep yearning for a visit to an island for a few days of new experiences and sights. This morning I was thinking about St. Lucia, an island that I visited in 2011. The beautiful blue waters and the warm and friendly people make for a wonderful daydream. Today I'm dreaming of sitting at the top of the hill overlooking a hurricane hole marina on my way to the St. Lucia Distillers. This was a great little wide spot in the road that offered a cool drink and a Popsicle to cool off from the bus trip to the distillery. The scenery is just breath taking and always just leaves me in a really calm place. I guess that is what make the writing about the trips so much fun. I get to relive the trips as I write about them.

The unique sights as you travel through the different islands is always fun. Things like this "van conversion" into a vendor's cantina. I am never surprised any more what might appear as I turn the next corner, but I am always ready to snap a picture of what I see. St. Lucia is a combination of big city in the port area, agricultural in the valleys and a just plain beautiful place to wander around.
There is a distillery that makes some of your favorite Chairman's Reserve Rums, just to name one of their products. This is a fine distillery that has some very innovative ideas to produce their rums and other spirits. All and all it is just a very diversified place to visit, whether you want city, rural or nautical atmosphere, quite the place to chill. By the way, did I mention that they produce some very fine rums on this island as well.
This makes my Monday much more bearable, just putting myself into a different tropical place on a weekday in the office. I guess you need to daydream about somewhere else even when you live in a paradise like Key West. Anyway enjoy your daydreaming trip on this Monday with me. ;o)