alcohol delivery service, with underwear models, in L.A.
LA Times
Jenn Harris

an L.A.-based alcohol delivery app, and MeUndies, an L.A.-based company that
sells underwear, have teamed up to bring you your favorite liquor and clean
underwear. The two necessities will be put together in handy Sleepover Packs.
packs will be available beginning Friday for one week only. They will include
everything you need for a sleepover, including a fresh pair of underwear,
socks, a T-shirt, sunglasses, a hangover-fighting vitamin from Drinkwel and
your choice of alcohol and mixers.
representative for Saucey says that when you place your order using the Saucey
app, you'll receive your goods within 20 minutes. And when you order Friday,
some of the lucky customers will have their packs delivered by actual underwear
models in nothing but their skivvies. The models will be delivering liquor from
4 to 9 p.m., and the regular alcohol delivery service will run from noon to
1:45 a.m.
This seems like a very interesting concept, that could do very well in larger cities. In fact there might be a pretty big market for such an enterprise. Today we have strippers that show up, so why not alcohol and foxy male or female models to liven up your party or whatever. ;o)