This weeks trip to Bahia Honda was not without purpose. In order to do more traveling out with the "camper" it needs a tender. we bought a kayak to use a tender. This allows us to carry it on the hardtop and can be easily gotten on and off the boat.

When the waters get too shallow for the camper and we want to explore, we can drop the kayak into the water and we can either use the pedal system to propel it or we can paddle it. Either way, is is the perfect craft to get to shore with. That doesn't even count the fun of just cruising around and getting some good exercise at the same time.
This made for a perfect day trip. My friends Don and Patti and I got to enjoy a beautiful day on the water going up there. The got to hang out by the beach and on the boat enjoying a cocktail waiting for the kayak to arrive. All in all just another day of this wonderful way of living ing the Keys. End of February an out on the water, A bit chilly, only in the 60's, but clear and the winds had dropped off for a while making for a fun trip.