In those days we were flying down to Key West or the Abaco's
in the Bahamas on a regular basis and trying to put a plan together to make a permanent move to somewhere warm. I had an idea one snowy Saturday when I was sitting at home dreaming and wishing that I was down where there wasn't any snow. The song "5 O'clock Somewhere" had just played on the radio and I was off to the garage to make the idea come to life.
A few scraps of old shingles that we had left over from reshingling the side of the house, and a clock mechanism that I had laying around and off to work I went. The song really sent vibes through me that said life in the tropics is where I really needed to be. I finished the project on Sunday after a trip to the Dollar Store to find a small world globe and got it mounted. The picture as it happen to be is the Carambola Beach Resort on St. Croix, a place I fell in love with as did the Kennedy's and the Rockefeller's back in the thirty's.

Today this little treasure sits in my boat and reminds me of how lucky I feel about where I reside today. It is truly 5 O'clock right here most any time I want it to be. ;o)