Key West experienced an onslaught of rain against a high tide yesterday resulting in street flooding on Duval Street and other places. Not that uncommon in heavy rains, but let the quirky Key West residents take hold and it becomes an adventure of Paddle Boarding, Kayaking, and wading. This rather unusual storm stalled over Key West yesterday for about 4 or more hours dropping several inches of rain. Thanks to many of my Key West Friends we have pictures of all of the excitement on the North end of Duval Street yesterday. I hate it, but I was inside keeping my customers happy that had escaped the rains and were partying with me inside at the Rum Bar. Terrible, hate it, NOT!.
By sunset, most of the street flooding had subsided and the 15th Annual Songwriter's Convention was underway again like nothing ever happened. I just love Key West and all the people that live and visit us down here. We are all pirates and crazy adventuresome lunatics that really know how the make the most out of any situation. Not many places can you kayak Duval Street by day and dance in the streets by night. Life here is awesome. ;o)