This is the party time here in Key West, and today starts the Street Fair night and tomorrow is the Captain Morgan Parade. These are the climax of Fantasyfest in my mind. I totally enjoy wandering through the streets taking pictures of all of the antics that go on here each year. I really get into this every year and working behind the bar, I find myself getting into all the fun at the same time. This is true adult party time fun that is a shame to miss. It is my experience that if you stay into the scene of what ever is going on down here in Key West you will find yourself feeling younger and more alive than ever.

There are a couple of Rum Events happening next week that I need to let you know about. First, next Thursday there is a Denizen Rum Cocktail Special event at the Rum Bar at 1117 Duval Street from 1 til 5pm. There is a Ron Centenario Event also at the Rum Bar on Friday from 1 til 5pm. Both of these event sill feature special cocktails made with these very fine rums and all of them will be sold for only $5 each. I'll be behind the bar mixing you special Rum Lab created cocktails for you, so make sure that you get by to see us while you are out and about for the Meeting of the Minds events.
Big happenings all over Key West for the next 2 weeks, so make sure that you get down here and join in all of the fun we seem to be having on a regular basis. I'll be posting some coverage of the events tomorrow and some more information on the Denizen and the Ron Centenario Rum events at the Rum Bar as well. ;o)