The big story so far for the 2014 Fantasy Fest here in Key West is having "tropical depression #9" putting a real damper on the events here in Key West. The prognosticators are calling for 80% to 90% chances for rain, thunderstorms and street flooding through Saturday morning. This is not a really good thing for the events of Fantasy Fest. The really good news is that it is not looking good for any development beyond a tropical depression. The real problem with "Tropical Depression #9", is it is a huge rain producer. With local amounts of rain up to 9 or 10 inches, local street flooding is a real possibility.

The other good news is that the rain is suppose to stop by noon time on Saturday and giving us a
good chance for a fun and relatively dry night for the parade. This is not the first time that we have had a wet Fantasy Fest, we still come to party, and partying is what we do rain or shine. I remember walking in 8 to 10" deep water one Thursday night of Fantasy Fest in 2007, and the party still went on. I think that is what makes this event go on and on and on. It is one of the really solidly supported events in Key West every year.