Hurricane season is in it's fourth day and all is calm. All of the names have been chosen for the 2014 season, and now we just wait to see what this season brings. It has been nearly 8 years since we have seen a hurricane here in Key West, though there have been several tropical storms pass over us. Here in Key West our biggest concern is the storm surge that these storms bring. With an average elevation of only 3 feet above seal level it doesn't take much of a surge to cause serious flooding. The wind and rain do little damage here because the buildings have long been built to hurricane standards and people put up the shutters and prepare for these storms.
This morning we are seeing the first rain in several weeks and it really means nothing other than the plants are getting some much needed irrigation and the tourists are going to be unhappy for choosing today for their vacation. As for me I still enjoy walking along the docks in the mornings feeling the warm rains on my neck and the relatively cooler day.

I just hope that we can just enjoy our summer and maybe have a few threats that never develop into a full fledged hurricane again this year. Hurricane parties are always fun, but there is a lot of work that must be done before we can just sit and party waiting for the storm to blow through. As fun as these parties are, they are just the preparation for a lot of work when the storm has blown itself out. We are in the season now, and lets just wait and see what Mother Nature has in store for us this year.
2014 Hurricane Names
Arthur Bertha
Cristobal Dolly Edouard Fay Gonzalo
Hanna Isaias
Josephine Kyle Laura Marco Nana
Omar Paulette
Rene Sally Teddy Vicky Wilfred