The earliest proof of an alcoholic
beverage dates back to China 9,000 years ago.
It was a mixed drink of fermented
rice, honey, hawthorn fruit and/or grape.
Our primate ancestors first started consuming alcohol via fermented
fruit. Humans have evolved to consume
alcohol and we even have a gene that makes it possible for us to digest it
Researchers have found that humans have
had a long history of consuming alcohol - with the earliest proof of an
alcoholic beverage dating back to Northern China 9,000 years ago. The 'cocktail' was a mixed drink of
fermented rice, honey, hawthorn fruit and/or grape.
A feature in the February issue of the
National Geographic magazine traces back the history of alcohol consumption,
revealing we even have a gene that makes it possible to digest alcohol faster. Throughout history, the consumption of
alcohol may have helped people become more creative, advancing the development
of language, art and religion. This is
because alcohol lowers inhibitions and makes people feel more spiritual. Even the Inca consumed alcohol in the form
of chicha - a corn based beer mixed with strawberries that's still consumed
today - although the Inca often used mind-altering herbs instead of
All alcoholic drinks are made by yeasts -
tiny single-celled life forms that consume sugar and break it down into carbon
dioxide and ethanol. Ethanol is the
only type of alcoholic compound that is drinkable - other types, like methanol,
are found in windshield washing fluids and de-icers for cars. There are many different types of yeast, and
they've probably been fermenting fruit for 120 million years - when fruits
first arose on Earth.

more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4162222/The-9-000-year-old-history-humans-alcohol.html#ixzz4XAQpE0Gq