Eight of the 20 or so new cocktails worked out very well. We had the largest turn out of lab mice ever, and all were very helpful in making the decisions for the final cocktails for the new up coming book. This was a long afternoon into night, but we did finish up the list and enjoyed a Bahama Bob Zombie to celebrate the finishing of the cocktails for the book. Special thanks to all who have been involved in the Rum Lab experiments during the past year or so, because without the help we would not have such a great list of rum cocktails to work from.
Here are a couple of the final recipes that we enjoyed testing yesterday afternoon and evening.
Nassau Cream
- 1/2 oz. Nassau Royal
- 1 oz. Coconut Rum
- 1 1/2 oz. Amaretto
- 1 oz. Creme de Cocoa
- 2 oz. Half and Half
Place all ingredients in a shaker filled with ice and shake vigorously, pour into a Collins glass and garnish with fresh ground nutmeg and hard chocolate.
Boaters' Delight
- 1 oz. White Rum
- 1/2 oz. Peach Schnapps
- 1/2 oz. Banana Liqueur
- 1/2 oz. Banana Rum
- 2 oz. Pear Juice
- 2 oz. Pineapple Juice
Place all ingredients is a shaker filled with ice and shake lightly, strain into a pint glass filled with ice. Garnish with a pineapple slice.
These turned out to be exceptional cocktails in the opinion of the Lab Mice, and ones you might want to try. Now it is time for me to sit down in front of the computer and get to work assembling and finish the writing of the book. Still looking to have it on the shelves in March or April of 2012. ;o)
Just a short note to Remember today is the 70th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.