The thoughts of heading out on the water to enjoy the islands today has been squelched by high winds and a cloudy skies. There are so many beautiful days down here in the keys, but few of them have fallen this winter on my days off. I was hoping that I could head out into the Lakes Passage to take some pictures today and just relax for a while in the sun. It doesn't look to promising at this time for that to happen.

I'll be doing some articles about the keys from Key West out to Boca Grande this season, but the weather hasn't co-operated so far this year. I'm really looking forward to drifting through some of these really cool keys and exploring their different environmental nuances. I love to chase the new and see all of the different types of plant, fish, birds and animals that inhabit these unique little keys. Every one of them has a new story to tell and more fun to experience.
Oh well, there is still next week, hopefully there will be some better weather and I'll be able to get out and enjoy the afternoon in the sun on the water. ;o)