It was sort of eerie to see so many empty chairs and endless stretches of empty sand. I guess that I am feeling for the revelers, the cold is what they are escaping by coming south. To find a week with a mixed bag of weather has to be disappointing. Later yesterday ass I looked out the doorway of the Rum Bar on to Duval street, there was a stream of young people coming back from the beach. Even though it really wasn't very warm, the sun was shining and that wasn't something that they were willing to miss.
I think that I would be the same way given the same circumstances. I do remember visiting the Virgin Islands and meeting a storm front head on, I know it didn't stop me from renting a boat and head on over to Jost Van Dyke in a storm. So when I see people in their bikini's headed for the beach in 65 degree weather I shouldn't be surprised. Talking with some of the breaker's that have stopped by to see me at the bar told me they are just happy to have the second quarter behind them and having some fun is what is on the agenda for this week.
There has been one big surprise for the 2013 first week spring breakers with the appearance of Kenny Chesney last Sunday at the Hog's Breath. His impromptu concert drew most of the island to that end of Duval Street. This was one of those real bonus things that you would only find in Key West.
Let's see what next week will have in store for the next round of partiers down from the North to leave the rest of the world behind for a week before returning to the grind of the books, term papers and exams the following week.