The Annual Gay Pride Week finished up on Sunday evening with the fun filled a quirky fun parade that is always a crowd pleaser here in Key West. The fun of the Drag Queens putting on their shows as they move down the streets. The 801 Bourbon Streets crew were dressed as the Supreme's and singing their songs. There were several other fun filled floats that were just plain fun to watch all of the shenanigans going on.
Wednesday night there was the "Miss Key West Pride Pageant at the 801 Cabaret, along with Drag Queen Bingo and Karaoke.

The Street Fair on Saturday was also filled with the fun loving participants of this wild and nutty week.
The Parade was made famous a few years back when they made a 1 mile plus long rainbow flag that stretched the entire length of Duval Street. There are pieces of the flag that are stretched every year as the parade progresses down Duval Street.
The Gay Community here in Key West do a great job of making this one of the really fun events each year in Key West and this year was no exception. ;o)