Facundo Rums just released this month |
It seems to be the year for a lot of new expressions of ultra premium rums and new images for existing ones. This is a great thing in my mind, it is hopefully the first signs of a trend of higher quality in the category. Rum has needed to put more effort into legitimate high quality expressions and less into "bulk rum" and low grade sugared rums. This is an indication that many of the better distillers world wide believe this to be true. I see new expression of ultra premium coming from Flor de Cana, Bacardi, Angostura, Brugal, Diplomatico, Foursquare, Papa Pilar and many others.

It is also a time when many companies are introducing new bottles and labels to bring a new and more sophisticated image for the company. Flor de Cana has just introduced a whole new label and bottle make over in the last month. These are very exciting and attractive bottles that will surely bring attention to their fine products.

Diplomatico just introduced their newest vintage rum, Diplomatico Vintage 2000, a follow up on the original Vintage 1997 brought out in the fall of 2012. I unfortunately have not had the opportunity to try this new Diplomatico rum yet, but I'm sure that I will be given the opportunity at the 2014 Miami Rum Renaissance Festival in April, or maybe able to find a bottle in a "Duty Free Shop" on my trip this week.

Brugal has come out with their latest entries into the Ultra Premium arena with the Siglo de Oro and Papa Andres lines. Both of these are very special and flavorful rums that deserve your attention. The Siglo de Oro is readily available, but there are only a very limited number of the Papa Andres made each year.

Angostura has just released their No. 1 rum, this one I will hopefully be able to taste at the House of Angostura tomorrow when I visit there. The Angostura Legacy is another of their recent entries to the Ultra Premium rum world. They also have other new expression that I intend to explore as well.
These are very exciting times in the world of rum, and a time when the "stepchild" of the spirits industry is growing up and being recognized as a first rate spirit. The growth of the category is a reflection of the willingness of the category to grow into the higher status of a premium spirit. ;o)