Fantasy Fest Brings a
Super-Powered Celebration to Key West

By: Lauren Tjaden
Have you ever
dreamed of being Superman, a muscle-bound bloke who can leap buildings in a
single bound? Or maybe you’d prefer to be the Joker, cloaked in green, purple
and a twisted smile. Or maybe the Bionic Woman, a shapely do-gooder who humbles
Fembots, is more to your liking.

‘Beyond’ is an apt description not only for this year’s
theme but for the Festival in general. It’s beyond crazy, beyond belief -- and
beyond popular. In recent years, its attendance has surpassed 100,000 people,
or more than three times the population of the island itself.
The gala includes events like a 5K run, a pet parade, and
contests galore. It includes Fantasy Fest Street Fair, a mile-long
extravaganza of arts, crafts, food vendors, libations and costumed frivolity
that spills down Duval Street. And it includes a plethora of parties --toga,
pajama, bikini, pink and even tighty whitey parties – to keep the most dedicated
reveler reeling.
The world-renowned Captain Morgan Fantasy Fest Parade,
Oct. 26, 2013, 7 p.m., caps off the celebration.

This is the BIG ONE here in Key West and the one you don't want to miss. I'll be sending pix and stories of the fun all week long next week as things unfold. Parade night I'll be at my usual place don Duval Street selling the street side booze and watching all of the fun.
Don't forget the Zombie Bicycle Ride coming this Sunday afternoon either. Lots of zombies and lots of fun. ;o)