Our culture is undergoing a gender
revolution. Thanks to decades of work from pioneering activists like Marsha P.
Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, we cisgender people, that is, those of us whose
gender matches the one we were assigned at birth. We are learning there’s more to gender
identity than the male and female binary that we grew up accepting. Terms such as “trans,” “nonbinary” and
“agender” are starting to seep into the mainstream. At the same time, people are questioning
what it truly means to be masculine and feminine and whether those descriptors
are useful or outdated. Truth is
it’s quite common in the beverage world to experience antiquated thinking about
gender. “Imagine your masculinity is so fragile that
you can’t drink a cocktail out of a coupe.” Some people were shocked that this was even a
thing, while others shared their exasperation. A few bartenders told me that as a matter of
policy they don’t exchange glassware for men who request more manly vessels for
their drinks. Refusing to drink out of
a coupe tells the world that you’d rather suffer a warm cocktail than be
perceived as feminine. That should tell you a lot about how deeply entrenched
misogyny still is in our culture.
There is a lot more to this article, that
is well wort the time to read it. You can
find it at https://www.google.com/search?q=The+Bar+World+Has+It+All+Wrong+When+It+Comes+to+Gender+and+Cocktails&rlz=1C1CHWL_enUS734US734&oq=The+Bar+World+Has+It+All+Wrong+When+It+Comes+to+Gender+and+Cocktails&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60.10002j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8