Dinner and a show, what a concept. I've forgotten how much fun it is to go out for and evening that includes a five course dinner and an extravagant show. Not a movie, but a real Caribbean 1930's style revue. You know like the ones from the Carmen Miranda movies. This is a really spectacular production that could only be done in the atmosphere of the outdoor theater at the Tropicana.

The show lasts for about two hours and it just keeps happening all around you. One set of dancers and costumes that will absolutely dazzle you right after another. The extremely skilled dancers and singers combined with the unbelievable costumes keep your attention throughout the show. There are no breaks, just a continuous flow of dancers and singers for two hours of exciting entertainment.
This is really a story that words can not do justice, so I think that I'll just let you see all of the pictures. They tell a much better story that my words could ever do. If you get the chance to see one of these Latin productions, don't let the opportunity slip by you. It is one of the most unforgettable show that I have ever seen. Like I say, words can not describe the show that comes at you from all sides, at eye level, above, behind and across from you. It keeps your head spinning all evening from start to finish. ;o)