Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Saint James Creates Bitters for Agricole Rum Cocktails

     Saint James Agricole rhum brand has created new cocktail bitters following two years of research and development.   Saint James Aromatic Cocktail Bitters was created using a base of sugarcane alcohol, which is macerated with plants and spices such as wormwood, gentian, quinquina, angelica flower, caraway, coriander and ginger.

     Saint James brand ambassador Stephen Martin used historical pharmacist, distiller and bartender manuals to come up with the final recipe.   The mix of ingredients is said to offer a “perfect balance” of four flavor characteristics – floral, herbal, spicy and bitter – resulting in an “organoleptic profile perfectly adapted for white rhum-based cocktails”.

     Produced in Martinique, Saint James is the world’s best-selling agricole rhum, with a distribution footprint in more than 50 countries.