the Rum Bar it is time for a couple of days at Bahia Honda in the "camper". An afternoon of water, marina and cocktails as I sit watching the boats come and go. It is such a relaxing time chatting with the people that walk by on the dock and those that float in by boat. It is always and interesting time here in the Bahia Honda Marina.

A fine supper of Quesdilla, potato salad and rum cocktails as the sun sets in the background. There is always a cooling breeze off of the water that makes the evening perfect to sit on the aft deck and watch the stars and satellite trails. It is time like this that answers the question that I am so often asked, "Why do you live down here?" I really can't think of any other place that I would ever want to live. Life on the water is a life that fits me like a glove and one I wouldn't ever want to change.