Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Put Some Life in Your Cocktails with Licor 43

     I discovered Licor 43 several years ago, and have found it to be a wonderful addition to most anything that I have tried to put it in.  Licor 43 is a very secret blend of ingredients that us unmatched in any other liqueur that I have ever tasted.  I is a very complex blend that really comes to life with aromas light citrus, vanilla, extremely light touch of warm spice, but not spicy. Almost thought there might be possible hints of saffron, but if there is any saffron it is very faint.   On the palate there is a bit if soft syrupy feel with a hint of butterscotch, rich toffee, lush, decadent, sweetened like honey with no sharp sugary edge. Lingering sweetness of juicy light flavored citrus. Faintest hint of floral.

     The real interesting part of this liqueur is how it will mix with nearly everything and bring out a nice improvement in the mix.  It is one of those truly universal liqueurs that you can mix with everything from milk, to fruits, juices, or even other spirits with resounding success.

     Here are a couple of ideas to try,  I found them very delightful.

Café  Leche 43

·         1/2 oz. Licor 43

·         1 oz.  Brinley Gold Coffee Rum

·         1 oz. El Dorado Golden Rum Cream

Pour ingredients in rocks glass over ice. Stir and serve. 


43 Rum Cozmo

·         1-1/4 oz.  Licor 43

·         1 1/2 oz. Brugal Blanco

·         1  oz.  Pierre Ferrand Dry Curacao

·         2 oz. Cranberry Juice

·         Orange Zest Garnish

Build in a Shaker filled with fresh ice and strain into a Martini Glass. Garnish with orange zest.