When I think about beach bars all around the Caribbean, It seems that the
Soggy Dollar always come to mind. It is one of the coolest beach bars ever, beautiful soft white sand, no dock, so you swim up to the beach from your boat to get the party going.
The Soggy Dollar is the birthplace of the Painkiller, and if you can score a hammock, you can just make the rest of the world go away. Mic, the bartender is the best when it comes to personality and his knack for cocktail preparation. His Painkillers are to die for and his antics keep you smiling for the entire visit.

Sitting on White Bay on Jost Van Dyke in the British Virgin Islands this bar draws people from all over the world to worship the sun, enjoy the beautiful blue water and wander in the sands of the beautiful beach. If you are in the virgin Islands, be sure to make arrangements to get to Jost Van Dyke and the Soggy Dollar, I assure can you, it is a place and an experience that you will never for get it. ;)