It seems that the TTB (Alcohol and Tobacco
Tax and Trade Bureau) have come to the realization that there has been a shift
in advertising of distilled spirits. The
power and numbers of the social media has grown to the point that if you aren’t
doing something there you are missing out on much of your sales potential.
The TTB considers industry member fan pages
for alcohol beverages to be advertisements, all mandatory statements required
by the must be included on them. TTB views the entire fan page as one
advertisement, so mandatory statements need only appear once on the fan page,
either on the “home” page or on any sub or tabbed pages directly associated
with the “home” page. The regulations require that mandatory statements
on alcohol beverage advertisements be: conspicuous and readily legible; clearly
a part of the advertisement; and readily
apparent to the persons viewing the advertisement. Thus, mandatory
statements may not be hidden or buried in an obscure location on the fan
Prohibited Practices
(1) Any
statement that is false or untrue in any material particular, or that,
irrespective of falsity, directly, or by ambiguity, omission, or inference, or
by the addition of irrelevant, scientific or technical matter tends to create a
misleading impression.
(4) Any
statement, design, device, or representation of or relating to analyses,
standards or tests, irrespective of falsity, which the appropriate TTB officer finds
to be likely to mislead the consumer.
(5) Any
statement, design, device, or representation of or relating to any guarantee,
irrespective of falsity, which the appropriate TTB officer finds
to be likely to mislead the consumer. Money-back guarantees are not prohibited.
(6) Any
statement that the distilled spirits are distilled, blended,
made, bottled, or sold under or in accordance with any municipal, State,
Federal, or foreign authorization, law, or regulation, unless such statement
appears in the manner authorized by labels of distilled spirits. If a
municipal, State or Federal permit number is stated, such permit number shall
not be accompanied by any additional statement relating thereto.
(7) The words “bond”, “bonded”, “bottled in
bond”, “aged in bond”, or phrases containing these or synonymous terms, unless
such words or phrases appear, on labels of the distilled spirits advertised,
and are stated in the advertisement in the manner and form
in which they are permitted to appear on the label.
See the
Complete List at