Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Rum and My World

     What is with this thing we call rum, that we spend so much time talking about, drinking, and analysing?    Rum is one of the most versatile spirits out there for our enjoyment.   The best thing about rum there are no two that are the same or even resemble each other.    Personality plus that is the best way that I can think to describe rum to a customer at the bar.     I try to find what they like and where they like in the world and then put the rum in their glass that will take them there.

     It is nothing but fun, because not only do all of these rum have personalities of their own, but they also come from all corners of the world as well.   The rum's home  takes you to a place that only you can imagine, as you sit on the back porch sipping a fine rum or just having a tropical cocktail.   This is the magical mystery that only rum can provide.

     For all of us pirates and smugglers of the Conch Republic it is a way of life that we once only dreamed about, that today we are really living.     Back in the days in the Carolina's, I turned my basement into my Tiki Bar where I could escape to the tropics at any time I wanted to.   It was the rum that determined the location to where my mind went.    It is a great place to be, and even now I can travel to a rum shop in Barbados, or a beach bar of the Virgin Islands just by breaking out a different rum and sit on the my back deck and turn it into a vacation.     Take some time soon to visit your favorite place and never leave your yard.    It is always a relaxing and enjoyable experience.   ;o)

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