Three Weeks Later, Look What’s Happening in Key West
The biggest event
of the week was the arrival of the Empress of the Sea Cruise Ship. This is the first indicator that things are
returning to “normal” Key West style. Today we had a Carnival Cruise Ship. More and more of the hotels, restaurants, bars,
tourist attractions and souvenir shops are re-opening every day.
The streets are
slowly losing the debris, downed trees ground to sawdust and hauled away. Most everyone in Key West and Stock Island
have electricity, Internet and cable TV.
All of the grocery stores are
open along with Sears, Kmart, Home Depot and the drugstores. The lines at the gas stations have
disappeared, the only line seems to be at McDonald’s on the boulevard. FEMA has closed the food and water
distribution centers that were so essential for our survival in the first weeks
after Irma struck.
It is fair to say
that we are operating very well and the comfort level for those of us living in
Key West is good overall. There are
still those in the middle and upper keys that suffered the total loss, who are
not progressing quiet so well. Those of
us that live at the end of the road are feeling very blessed to be returning to
a kind of normalcy. It will take a year
of more to get everything back just like it did after Wilma struck in 2005.
Fantastic news !